Saturday, March 26, 2011

We Won Game 3! Rhinos Rule!

What a nail biter!  Everyone should be so proud! 

We did an amazing job keeping the ball down at the other end just like last week.  But today, Defense did a fantastic job keeping the goalie protected and Offense stayed on the attack. Everyone really brought their "A" game.
  • First quarter was 1 to 0 our favor.
  • Second quarter the other team scored making it an even game. 
  • Third quarter we scored again - gaining the advantage.
  • Fourth quarter was the real nail biter though.  The opposing team had the ball - not only in our territory - but just feet from the goal for about 4 straight minutes.  They were all over us.  Defense and a great goalie kept them from scoring!

Everyone should be so proud! Congratulations "Rhinos"!  You were all awesome!

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