Sunday, April 3, 2011

Game 4 - Amazing Effort

Our fourth soccer game was pretty exciting.  Our goalies did a great job considering the number of shots the opposing team took on our goal.

What really impresses me about our team is the heart that they all have.  It would be so easy to give up and quit trying when facing a team that seems to be so dominating, and yet our kids gave it their all the entire game.  I'm so impressed with each and every one of them. 

We now have 4 games behind us, and 4 remaining.  I'm thinking of some things we could do to celebrate the end of the season.  If any of you have ideas, please let me know.  So far, I've considered a cookout, pizza party, bowling party...even Chuck E. Cheese - Let me know your thoughts.

Can't wait to see them on Thursday for practice!

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