Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ending the Season with a Win!

Well, we won our last game of the season with a score of 2-0! I was so proud of everyone.

We had a tough eight games and ended the season with a record of 2-6. I tried to give my end of season speech at the pizza party, but got all choked up and was lucky to just hand out the trophies.

I really enjoyed coaching. I'm so happy my son convinced me to check the "interested in coaching" box. I had so much fun coaching the kids and watching them grow more confident in their abilities.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dribbling & Ball Control Videos for Soccer

Here's a good video on dribbling drills.  Can never be too good at the basics.

Here's a good one for learning ball control

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Game 6 - Not our best game

Wow! Game 6 was rough.  Just seemed to be an off day for everyone.  Not to mention the other team had a ringer or 3.  We really improved in the last quarter by minimizing the scoring from the other team.  They took so many shots that I lost count.

We had a couple of opportunities to score but it just never happened for us other than Rylan's mid-field kickoff goal - which they did allow.

The main thing is everyone looked like they had fun.  I know Christopher was pretty jazzed up all night.  We have such a great group of kids.  I can tell they play because they enjoy it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Game 5 - What a Battle

Wow - what a tough game!  While we lost 2-13, I was so proud of everyone yesterday.  There were 2 players from the other team that did all the work.  They had amazing Soccer skills.  In fact, Jesus, the one kid that really dominated, was only 6!  He had been sent up the grade levels due to his skill level.  The kid is a real prodigy if you ask me. 

Anyway, while they really ran up the score in the first half, our "Runnin' Rhinos" really put up a good defense the second half, cutting their scoring down an incredible amount. 

The weather was hot, we were missing two players, and we were over-matched....and yet our team played harder than ever.  What can I say - I'll take heart over skill any day!

Way to go Rhinos!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Game 4 - Amazing Effort

Our fourth soccer game was pretty exciting.  Our goalies did a great job considering the number of shots the opposing team took on our goal.

What really impresses me about our team is the heart that they all have.  It would be so easy to give up and quit trying when facing a team that seems to be so dominating, and yet our kids gave it their all the entire game.  I'm so impressed with each and every one of them. 

We now have 4 games behind us, and 4 remaining.  I'm thinking of some things we could do to celebrate the end of the season.  If any of you have ideas, please let me know.  So far, I've considered a cookout, pizza party, bowling party...even Chuck E. Cheese - Let me know your thoughts.

Can't wait to see them on Thursday for practice!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

We Won Game 3! Rhinos Rule!

What a nail biter!  Everyone should be so proud! 

We did an amazing job keeping the ball down at the other end just like last week.  But today, Defense did a fantastic job keeping the goalie protected and Offense stayed on the attack. Everyone really brought their "A" game.
  • First quarter was 1 to 0 our favor.
  • Second quarter the other team scored making it an even game. 
  • Third quarter we scored again - gaining the advantage.
  • Fourth quarter was the real nail biter though.  The opposing team had the ball - not only in our territory - but just feet from the goal for about 4 straight minutes.  They were all over us.  Defense and a great goalie kept them from scoring!

Everyone should be so proud! Congratulations "Rhinos"!  You were all awesome!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Great Practice Yesterday

What a fun practice we had on Thursday.  Rylan got hurt thanks my son Christopher so that wasn't too fun - but other than that we did some good drills.  We then finished by playing the other Coach's team in a little scrimmage, WINNING 2-1!  That was very fun.

Our game this Saturday should be great - if we don't get rained out.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Game 2 Showed a Lot of Improvement

Saturday we had our second game.  I thought everyone did a great job!  We had a lot of good saves on goal and we kept the ball down at the opposing team's end for the majority of the game.  All in all, I think we showed a lot of improvement.

I'm really looking forward to the next game.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

First Game is Behind Us

Well, we had our first game today and everyone did great!  We have some work, no doubt, but all in all I thought it went well.  Everyone got to play and half the team got to try out the "Keeper" position.  Next week, the players that didn't get to - can be Keeper if they want to try that position.
  • Every single person had some really good stops today.  
  • I saw a lot of good footwork in controling the ball too.
  • Lot's of good saves by the Keepers (the other team took a lot of shots...).  Despite the two practices focusing on ball control - we had some awesome saves today.
The good news is that we have a small team, so everyone got to play as much as they wanted I hope.

The bad news is that we have a small team, so everyone had to play the majority of the time.

I'm sure you'll have some tired kids tonight.  Christopher actually fell asleep on the ride home.  Please tell them they did a great job!

See you all on Thursday for practice.

Soccer Rules for Beginners

Just found this great e-book on the basics of soccer.  These cover 90% of everything that will happen in a game.

Here's the e-book if you're interested.  It would be good to go over with your child if you can.

You can view the e-book here.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Our First Soccer Game is Tomorrow

This is a blog dedicated to my amazing soccer team...known by the league as "Asheville 6".  I'm thinking we need a better "unofficial" name than that.  A possible mascot/team logo is on the left.

I have to say, I was pretty nervous when I accepted the "Coach" position for my son's Soccer team.  We've only had two practice sessions and tomorrow's our first game.

All the kids are great though.  I really enjoy all of them and it's amazing to see the potential they each have.

Our team is made up of the following future Soccer stars and Olympic hopefuls (in alphabetical order)
  • Banyan
  • Benjamin
  • Christopher
  • Collier
  • Ella
  • Emmett
  • Rylan
  • Levi (updated 3/26/11)
A special "Thanks" to all the parents who sit and cheer on at practice and show up, even in the cold and mud, to practice.  

Tomorrow's the big day - our first game - I know we'll do great!