Thursday, February 28, 2013

Soccer Practice Cancelled for 2/28

Hey Everyone,

Sorry about this, but Soccer practice is cancelled for today.  I've had a work issue come up that I can't get out of. 

I will hold a make-up practice at Hall Fletcher on Saturday at 3 for anyone that can attend.

If you can't make Saturday, I'll see you on Thursday, March 7th.  The team schedule will follow shortly.

Thanks so much.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'm Coaching the Spring 2013 Soccer Season!

Hey Everyone,

My name is John Noce and I'll be coaching this season's soccer team for your child. I'm really looking forward it!  I coached both the Spring 2011 and the Spring 2012 season. I've had a really great time.

A little about me since I'm a new face to some of you:  I design and host websites, have some rental properties that I would love not to have... and I am a running coach. I've been a runner since 1983 when I was in Junior High and joined Track for the first time. I've raced everything from the 100m to the half-marathon.I'm happy to say I finally broke 2 hours this past September in the Asheville Half-Marathon!  When I'm not doing all of the above, I actually work for Election Services here in Buncombe County.  I'm in charge of the Election Day and Early Voting Workers in regards to recruiting, training, that Election Day runs as smoothly as possible.

You'll notice, I didn't mention soccer up above.  I've never actually played myself, so I am certainly open to any help or advice you can offer.  

I'd like to welcome back Micheal (Iceman), Oliver, Aldair & my son of course, Christopher.  I'm very excited to meet Gray & Simon.  My son, Christopher, knows Simon as they are in class together.

We will have practice at Hall Fletcher School on Thursdays at 5:30 starting next week (2/28) and our games (I believe) will be on Saturdays at 3, with the first one being March 9th.  ABYSA has not yet published the soccer schedule. I'll keep checking and get back to everyone on that. 

To the right of this post, you'll see I have pages that have videos, directions and where our schedule will be.

See you all on February 28th at 5:30!  Make sure to wear shin guards to practice and bring a water bottle and a ball.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Soccer Ninjas Win Game 2!

The Soccer Ninjas were on fire today! Everyone did such a fantastic job. Passing, controlling the ball, working together...Spectacular! We won 4-1 against the "Gladiators".

It started out that we may not have a game at all since there was lightning. After a 20 minute delay, we got started. Early on, the gladiators had the ball on our end of the field, but Ruben was an amazing goalie. Ruben blocked every shot that came at him (at least a dozen), except for the one that went by when he had already blocked one and fell down. The gladiators were on top of him so he could barely get up. Christopher held the line in the second half as goalie thanks to a really strong defense.

Everyone was so good and really focused on their positions. Everyone got to play both offense and defense even with the short game. I would have liked it to be a little more-so but the game was called early due to the weather so a couple of people didn't get to go back in like I had planned.

Collier and Christopher scored our goals today, thanks to amazing help & teamwork from Elijah, Mike, Ruben, Aldair, Emory & Oliver.


Friday, March 2, 2012

More Info for Asheville 1 (We really need a better name...)

Just finalized the practice schedule with the ABYSA Coordinator. We will practice at Hall Fletcher Elem. School in West Asheville on Tuesdays from 4:30 - 5:30. I pick up the coach's packet later today and will find out more about what we all need. (Ball size, soccer shoes, shin guards, etc...).

I'll have uniforms for Jackson, Collier, Roger and Emory on Tuesday. Everyone else should have a uniform already per the roster.

See you all Tuesday, March 6th @ 4:30!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I'm Coaching Spring 2012 Soccer

I talked to Shane at ABYSA today and he said Asheville 1 was still in need of a coach. While I'll have to miss a game or two due to prior plans, I think I can work it out with your (the parents) help.

I'm really looking forward to this season. I coached last year in the Spring 2011 season when my son Christopher first played soccer. We both had a really great time.

A little about me since we are new to each other (except the Pate Family...Hey there!)...My name is John Noce. I mainly stay home with the kids, but I do work on the side.

I design and host websites, have some rental properties that I would love not to have... and I am a certified Personal Trainer. My specialty (or niche I should say) is running. I've been a runner since 1983 when I was in Junior High and joined Track for the first time. I've raced everything from the 100m to the half-marathon.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. I look forward to a great season!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ending the Season with a Win!

Well, we won our last game of the season with a score of 2-0! I was so proud of everyone.

We had a tough eight games and ended the season with a record of 2-6. I tried to give my end of season speech at the pizza party, but got all choked up and was lucky to just hand out the trophies.

I really enjoyed coaching. I'm so happy my son convinced me to check the "interested in coaching" box. I had so much fun coaching the kids and watching them grow more confident in their abilities.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dribbling & Ball Control Videos for Soccer

Here's a good video on dribbling drills.  Can never be too good at the basics.

Here's a good one for learning ball control