Thursday, March 1, 2012

I'm Coaching Spring 2012 Soccer

I talked to Shane at ABYSA today and he said Asheville 1 was still in need of a coach. While I'll have to miss a game or two due to prior plans, I think I can work it out with your (the parents) help.

I'm really looking forward to this season. I coached last year in the Spring 2011 season when my son Christopher first played soccer. We both had a really great time.

A little about me since we are new to each other (except the Pate Family...Hey there!)...My name is John Noce. I mainly stay home with the kids, but I do work on the side.

I design and host websites, have some rental properties that I would love not to have... and I am a certified Personal Trainer. My specialty (or niche I should say) is running. I've been a runner since 1983 when I was in Junior High and joined Track for the first time. I've raced everything from the 100m to the half-marathon.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. I look forward to a great season!

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